Monday, December 8, 2008

To Know

Yesterday I had the opportunity to share my testimony in Fast and Testimony meeting at church. Always a great feat, but we didn't have too much drama in the process. Jimmy came up with me and Rachel soon followed. But then Jimmy went back down to sit with beloved Darci. Not too bad.

I felt inspired to bare testimony about the Gospel being true and because I know it is true I know my purpose in life, I know my worth, and I know what is expected of me. I have been feeling overwhelming gratitude for that knowledge. I didn't realize how much of an impact my sharing that would have on others. I had quite a few people come up to me and thank me for saying that. The idea of knowing who we are resonated with them.

I've been thinking about this whole idea and pondering it as of late. Do we really know how blessed we are to have that knowledge given to us through the Gospel? The big questions in life seem to be "Who am I?", "Where am I going?", and "Do I matter?". The gospel of Jesus Christ answers that all for us. By living it we know who we are, children of God with incredible worth and potential to do good. As a stay-at-home mom the world would have me think that I am some frumpy defeated person who gave up on trying to do something with my life and settled for struggling amidst piles of laundry and screaming children. Not so! I am doing the most important work I can be. I am sacrificing whatever personal plans I may have had for myself to raise my children. I am giving up everything to be at home with my kids so that I can help them become good people and live in truth and righteousness. I am bringing forth the next generation of adults who will help make the world better through their righteous living. That is no small task. And I know that because I have the Gospel in my life.

Because I know the work I do as a mom is important, I know where I am going. I know what is expected of me. I have direction in my life. Living without some course to follow, some structure, only leads to self destruction and misery. But I know where I am heading, I know what I want out of life,and where I want to end up. And I know how to get there thanks to the scriptures, prayer, temples, prophets, and local leaders. I know how I am doing and I know when I need to correct myself to stay on course. How simple is that?!

And since I know all of the above, I also am aware of my great worth and potential. By doing a miraculous work in my home and knowing how to accomplish my goals in life, I feel happy and know of my great worth. It's a wonderful cycle. The more I live my life according the the Gospel, which is what I want, the greater peace and joy I feel in my life. I may have moments where I feel overwhelmed or doubt my worth, but they never last long because I keep trying to do my best and am blessed for it. I am not deceived by the world, but can be happy for who I am despite what society tells me. I stand on a strong foundation that cannot be destroyed.

We are truly blessed to know the answers to the "big" questions of life. Living the Gospel makes our lives easier. All those worries and stresses about life are answered. We can have peace and joy in knowing who we are, what is expected of us, and where we are going. We can feel our worth and know that what we do is important, no matter how trivial to the world. We are not blind followers, but rather we each can know these things for ourselves through personal revelation. And once we know, we can never be shaken if we stay close to the truth. What an amazing gift we have been given!

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