Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hot Item!

The other day while I was perusing one of the many silly catalogs I get in the mail, I came across something hilarious. Maybe you won't find it as funny as I did, but I thought it seemed pointless and goofy. It was a set of washing machine and dryer covers. We're talking cutesy fabric with buttons and designs made to fit over your laundry appliances. (Sorry for the small picture, but it's copyrighted so it's the best I could do. Dang lawyers!)

My first thought when I saw said covers was "You've got to be kidding me!" I cannot imagine a time in my life when my washing machine will be so underused that I can actually slip a cover over it. Is that possible? Multiple times a day I am tossing in some soiled piece of clothing to wash in the next load. To have a cover on it would be so annoying because I'd be ripping it off every hour or so.

Then I thought maybe it's for people who like to make their laundry room look nice. Seriously, though, who is going to be spending time in your laundry room? Yeah, that's the room in the house that I take all my guests to first. I want to be the talk of the ward because of my adorable laundry room.

Ethel: "Oh Mabelle! Have you seen Sue's new washing machine cover?"
Mabelle: "Why yes, Ethel. It is to die for!"
Ethel: "I know! I am just pea green with envy! I must get one myself."
Mabelle: "That Sue! She is always on the cutting edge of laundry decor!"

Right. I'd rather leave the door closed to the laundry room and steer guests away from it. It's where I wash clothes. Wow.

Or perhaps the covers are to help create the illusion that the washer and dryer aren't really there. Where did they go? They've been replaced by a cutesy lump of fabric. Who knew? They must be magic disappearing appliances. It's like the idea for toaster covers. "Oh! I don't know what's under there! Can't tell at all by the shape and size! No sirree. It's a mystery!"

C'mon people. Laundry appliance covers are made for people with too much time and worry on their hands. Like for some crazy grandma who knits doilies for every surface in her house. Everything must be covered! Do I really care what your washing machine and laundry room look like? Not really. I don't particularly want to see your laundry room . I have enough bonding time with my own, thank you. So don't try to lure me in with an adorable fabric cover. I won't be fooled, I'll know what you're hiding.


Anonymous said...

I say we get one for the parents for Christmas!

Seriously, that is warped and would be a giant pain in the neck.

Michelle said...

Ha ha ha! Seriously funny. It would absolutely drive me bonkers. Another stupid invention for silly people to spend their money on.

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! I sure could use some for my appliances, I never do laundry!!! We just like to pretend we do.