Monday, February 2, 2009


1. My kids got a "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" movie at the library. Jimmy and Rachel love it and have declared themselves "injun turtles". We have the show on a lot, in fact, last night whenever I got up to feed Jacob, I had the theme song going through my head. Ahhh!'

2. Jacob was blessed yesterday. What a cutie. Marshall gave him a wonderful blessing.

3. I hate having a sore throat and headache from colds.

4. Poor Jacob has a cold. It's so hard for babies because they hate getting bulb syringed to get out the snot, but they also hate having a stuffy nose. He had a rough night. I hope he gets better soon.

5. Last night when Jimmy has saying goodbye to his grandparents, he ran up to each of them, gave them a hug, and then said "Kiss me!" He loved getting kisses from both Grandma and Granddad. It was sweet.

6. I'm tired of hearing about the bad economy and how the world is going to end. I know things are tough, but let's focus on happiness. There are still things in life to be happy about. It's not all gloom and doom.

7. I like Marshall to tell me in advance when he has meetings, etc. going on. Yesterday he told me that he will be gone next Sunday from 5:30pm on. I am glad he told me, but now crabby because I know he'll be gone. Can't win!

8. Jacob rolled over yesterday. I don't know if it was a fluke or not. But he was on his stomach and then was on his back. He's one strong little guy.

9. I feel like all my tops have shrunk after wearing maternity shirts for so long. I miss having nice long shirts to cover my belly, especially now.

10. And while we are on clothes, I am not liking getting used to having the feeling of pants on my waist. Maybe I'll like it better when I lose baby weight. Or maybe I'll just run around in overalls and mumus all day.

11. Why can't Jimmy and Rachel be nice? Why is Jimmy crying after they just went upstairs. Argh!

12. I love FaceBook. I have gotten in touch with tons of people from high school, old wards,etc. It's great. I am an addict.

13. Why did Rachel hit Jimmy with the marble slide?

14. Anna made us all Valentine's hearts that say "I love you". She is so sweet.

15. Even though she likes to beat on him, Rachel also loves to get white blankie and baby turtle for Jimmy when he is sad.

16. How is it possible for Marshall to get cuter every day? It's a mystery.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh I wish I would not have missed the blessing. I had another blessing to go to too. It was for my niece Angelina. Sorry I missed it.