Monday, February 23, 2009

Watch out for leprechauns!

I love holidays. Anyone who knows me knows that I like to decorate for holidays. It's fun and makes a home look cute and welcoming. I grew up in a festive home and love to keep the tradition alive.

After we got married I was surprised to find out from my husband that he didn't do anything for St. Patrick's Day. I know, it's a big drinking holiday and unless you are heading to the bar to slug a dozen back, what's the big deal, right? But I grew up with having St. Patrick's Day decorations at my house and a green themed meal every year. My mom would wear green and go as far to dye mashed potatoes and applesauce green for our St. Paddy's Day meal. It also included lime Jell-o and shamrock shaped green sugar cookies. We're serious about our holidays. So I was bummed that my husband didn't share my love for this little Irish holiday. Plus I couldn't figure out a way to really celebrate it. We don't drink and our kids would probably rather starve than eat something that is bright green. My holiday spirit was being crushed. What to do?

Then last year Anna had a leprechaun come visit her kindergarten classroom while the class was at the gym. That tricky little fellow left green footprints all over the room, messed up some things, and left a treat. The kids thought it was great and Anna came home truly believing in leprechauns. She hoped one would come visit our house and, thanks to some quick thinking parents, one did and he even left a treat. The girls still talk about how that sneaky green man threw dress-ups all over their room and even hung one from the top of their door. How did he do that? They can't wait to see what he does this year. Jimmy hopes his room will get hit too. So now, thanks to a very creative kindergarten teacher, I have a way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day again. Balance has been restored to the universe and I can decorate and get excited for a holiday I love. Hopefully I can help my kids build sweet memories of it just like my mom did for me.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

I love holidays, too. What fun!