Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Oh, the irony!

I've been thinking lately how funny/ ironic adulthood is. There are certain things I loathed as a child and now love as an adult. If 6, 12, or even18 year-old Sue met the 29 year-old Sue, they'd be shocked and appalled at the person she has become. Well, they'd be pretty pleased, but they wouldn't be big fans of some of her habits and tastes. For example:

1. As a kid I remember my mom giving us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on wheat bread. Ugh. I hated wheat bread. I was so jealous of the kids whose parents weren't health nuts and let them eat evil, soft white bread. But now as an adult I love wheat or multi-grain bread. I bought it when my mom was here and have become obsessed with it!

2. The same applies to cereal. As a kid we had to eat healthy cereal. Getting something coated in sugar or with marshmallows was a treat beyond treats. I was determined to eat Fruity Pebbles in all it's diabetic inducing glory when I was an adult. However, now that I am older I cannot stand the stuff and would rather have a bowl of something that my body will actually be able to digest and use for good.

3. I remember working as a manager at Blockbuster and being at the store until 1 am. The next day I was out cold until 11 am. Ha! Try to get me to do that now. Even when I don't get lots of sleep I cannot stay in bed past 7, and that is considered sleeping in. I love to get up early, like 5:30-6 am, and get my day going. I get some quiet time to read my scriptures and exercise (soon) before the kids get up. I love it. Yes, freshman-in-college Sue would think I was insane.

4. Naps. I used to hate naps as I got older, just like my kids refuse to take them now. There was too much going on in the world! Who can think so sleep? No way! As an adult I would kill, and some days almost do, for a nap. Just let me doze off on the couch while the kids destroy the house and I'll be fine with that. I am sure it has everything to do with Mr. Jacob and the other kids. I'm all for siestas becoming a tradition here!

5. And since we are on the subject of sleep, let's talk about staying up late! New Year's Eve was awesome because we actually got to stay up late as we got older. Forget evil bedtimes. I thought it was so cool to be able to stay up late, as if I was now part of some secret society that only hip people could join. Even when I was older and engaged I managed to stay up until one in the morning and then get up at five in the morning for work. Not now. If you come to my house after 7 pm you will find me in my pj's. (And some people have been blessed to see me in all my bedtime glory.) It's like my body has developed an allergy to clothes so that by 6:30-7 pm each night I have to put on my jammies or crabbiness will result. I like to lounge for a few hours and then be in bed by 9:30-10 pm. Party on!

6. Being sick. It was so cool to be sick enough to stay home from school as a kid. Not puking or anything horrid liek that, but just enough to merit lying on the couch, watching tv, and getting pampered by mom. Now it's not so awesome because I am the mom. I don't think my kids are going to let me lay on the couch and wait on me. Dang! There are no "sick days" when you are an adult. It's the pits.

I could go on and on, but I'll save that for another blog. Even though I've become a boring adult, there are a few things that I will always love, just as I did as a child: the magic of Disneyland, Christmas Eve, the beach, ice cream, chocolate, playing outside, bike rides in the Spring, Wonder Woman, cartoons, Halloween, baking cookies, hide-n-seek, presents, and laughter. I guess I haven't completely let my former self down!


annjeanette said...

I completely agree with everything you said. Although I am in glasses and jammies as soon as we bring Christian home from school. Unless I've got somewhere else to be later in the day. Getting up at 4:45 warrants early glasses and jammies. And isn't it funny how sleeping in is now anything past 6:00?! Oh the joys of adulthood. Why were we so eager to grow up when we were kids?

Stephanie Black said...

Oooh, naps are divine.