Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Arch Nemesis

I've always wondered why at age two children can't just automatically start using the potty. I mean when a girl hits puberty her body knows to start the period and grow a chest. Why not have some hormones that hit at the toddler age that make kids have the urge to use the potty from then on? Would it be too much to ask?

I hate potty training. It is just evil. It's worse for me too because I hate germs and so the idea of any bodily accidents happening on my carpet make me want to scream. I admit that when Anna was being potty trained, I taped down a plastic tarp over the carpet to avoid any of the above happening. Great idea until she peed on the plastic and slipped and fell. So I had to tear up the plastic. (Now you know how truly insane I am. It is funny to think back to now.)

Our kids have been relatively easy to train. Rachel was using the potty by 18 months. I swore I would never be one of those moms who didn't potty train by age 3 and then came Jimmy. I tried, somewhat, when I was pregnant, but was too tired, big, and sick to really chase him around with the potty. Jimmy had little interest and didn't want to be bothered. Now Jacob is here and demands on being held while awake and wears me out in a new way. Jimmy is terrified of letting loose in the potty and is as stubborn as they come. We've promised stickers, lollipops, gum, and whatever else we can throw out. Shoot, I'd be willing to fly to Metropolis and kidnap Superman if bringing him to Jimmy would motivate the boy to go pee on the pot!

Of course, being the perfectionist I am, I feel like a complete failure for not having him trained yet. (Remember, me and guilt. Great friends.) But I know one day he will actually use the toilet. I mean, I don't think he can go on a mission in diapers, right?


Lempskies said...

I am so sorry. The closest I've come to a nervous breakdown was potty training D. I love your suggestion about covering the carpet w/ plastic... too bad that didn't work out so well. Darn. One thing that worked here was gating the kitchen so any messes were on the linoleum, but they don't like being stuck there all day- that works well if you just try "diaper free mornings" & do diapers/pull ups the rest of the day.

Loved your laundry covers post. You sarcasm makes me laugh.

annjeanette said...

I feel your pain! Christian was 3 1/2. I had tried much, much earlier with him as well, but for some reason HE wasn't ready until then. And seriously, once he was ready, it took all of two days for him to be done. And about 1 week later, he was even dry through the night and has had no problems since. You are not a failure. Hello, you just had a baby! Try to cut yourself some slack. No child has EVER gone to kindergarten wearing diapers. (That is what my mom told me when Olivia was biting, kicking, and screaming at me while she was potty training.) If you need to cry it out, give me a call. I did that too, and it did help. :D love you!