Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I am Supermom!

I never back away from a challenge. I am insane that way. So when my five year-old's beloved Boy Baby doll fell apart after two years of heavy loving, I said to myself "I can fix this!" Mind you, I am not a seamstress or know the first thing about making dolls, but I was up for the adventure thinking I could handle it since I have basic sewing skills and a lot of determination.

We had toyed with the idea of just getting a new doll. The problem is that they are no longer made, which means the cheapest we could find was $100. Um, no. But we had to do something since Boy Baby is Rachel's security and love. He has gone to Disneyland twice, Pennsylvania once, church more times than I can count, and preschool every day last year. Living without him is not an option.

So I got out my sewing supplies and jumped right in. My task entailed cutting off the plastic limbs of Boy from his torn body and attaching them to a new Sue made one. After just a day, I am proud to say that Boy Baby is new and improved with a red body. It's not perfect, but it works. My fingers are sore from pushing the needle through his plastic limbs, but seeing the smile on Rachel's face when I handed her the finished doll is well worth the discomfort. I may not be breaking headlines or moving mountains in my daily work, but I am bringing joy and love to my children, which is far more priceless.

Another challenge down and many more to go. Bring it on because I am Supermom!


annjeanette said...

Great job! I am WAY impressed!

Michelle said...

That is great, Good job!

Sarah said...

Heck YES you're a supermom! WOW! Poor Frank has a HUGE stash of ripped toys with stuffing hanging out of them in the bottom of our coat closet that I won't let him play with but sadly I also haven't gotten around to stitching up. Your post has inspired me to not be a non-superdogowner, too! You're great, Sue :)

Anonymous said...

Howdy, this is Mike Lambarth checking in with you guys. I was hoping to get a direct email address to contact you at or a phone #. We'll be in St George for the holidays and thought it might be nice to get in touch. Call me at 661-645-7454 or email at bullml@sbcglobal.net when you can.

Stephanie Black said...

That's awesome! Way to save the day, Supermom!