Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Pot calling the Kettle black

Everyone is in an uproar over Tiger Woods and his harem of mistresses. I find this all so fascinating because I didn't know America had morals anymore. What makes us condone and overlook the bad behavior of one celebrity and then demand outlaw justice for that of another? Is there a limit to how many mistresses is acceptable? Or are we just mad because Tiger isn't the clean cut athlete he always wanted us to believe?

We have no problem leaving our children to raise themselves, exposing them to all kinds of corruptive media, behavior, and fashion trends. Certainly we don't have the right to tell our kids what to do because that would be imposing on their freedom, their individuality, but we expect our celebrities to be everything they claim and more.

It's close minded and prejudiced to say a same gender marriage is wrong. How old fashioned to think that relationships should only between a man and a woman. And don't even mention pre-marital sex. Chastity before marriage is a thing of the past, something only our great grandparents knew about. If it feels good, do it, but not if you're Tiger.

Me thinks there is some hypocrisy afoot.

Now I in no way condone our recently fallen golf star's behavior. It's disgusting and wrong. It makes me wonder about the mental and sexual health of a man who goes through women like Kleenex. I mean, really, did you think you wouldn't get caught? Are we that stupid? Did you ever think that the more women you entertained, the higher your chances for discovery were? Obviously, someone was thinking with his pants rather than his brain.

That being said, I find it highly amusing that we as a society have all of a sudden become self-righteous. "Shame on you, Tiger!" As if none of the rest of those finger pointing critics wouldn't or haven't participated in immoral behavior if given the chance. Let's take some time to look inward and realize perhaps we need to clean up our own lives. Perhaps we should stop allowing our daughters to dress like hookers and our sons to run around with their pants sagging down to their ankles. Maybe we should stop promoting movies, music, and books that are all about sex, drugs, and dishonesty. Teaching our children that chastity is a good thing. We could focus more on others and less about "me, me, me"! Perhaps we could even be so daring as to stand firm in our moral convictions, not being afraid to call bad things bad. I know, I am crazy.

I just think before we go around belittling other people's behavior, we need to take a look at our own. We should all try playing by the same rules. If we want Tiger to take responsibility for his loose behavior then we need to start being accountable for our own.

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