Thursday, May 21, 2009

"Active" Rocks

I love to exercise. I love to push myself to the limit and feel the burn. I love to work hard and see results. I can't stand not being active. Ask my husband and he will probably tell you how annoying I am when I am sick because I can't exercise. If I can't work it, then I am just plain crabby. PLus exercising is a great stress release for me. (It's no coincidence that I had Marshall move the exercise bike into our bedroom shortly after he was called as bishop.)

That is why I was so excited to find out about EA Sport's "Active" that came out on Tuesday for the Wii. I love Wii Fit, but it isn't as challenging as I had hoped. So, being the fitness spazz that I am, I bought "Active" today and gave it a whirl.

Wow! I thought I was in decent shape, but that program kicked my bootie. Granted, I set myself to do the 30 minute hard work-out. Baby, I felt the burn. From running, high knees, baseball, in-line skating, kick-ups, squats, jumps, jumping squats, and arm exercises with the resistance band, I definitely got my heart rate going. I worked up quite a sweat and burned some calories too.

I like how with this program I can exercise with my shoes on, unlike the Wii Fit. Plus I can set my work-out and intensity according to my time and desires, and the rest of taken care for me. It's catered to what you want to do. With Wii Fit you have to pick your own activities, which can kind of be annoying. But Active does it for you and pushes you harder because of it. You can monitor your calories as you go, which is great because I know how many I burned in my 30 minutes. And there is also a 30 day challenge. I am going to start that tomorrow and so will learn more about it then.

But make no question, this is the program if you want to get your bootie in shape. I was one tired and sweaty woman after my session. I can't wait to go at it again tomorrow. Totally worth the money.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

That is awesome! I was wondering about that. Now I'm going to have to pick one up.