Friday, May 8, 2009

My Mom

With Mother's Day fast approaching, I've had some time to think about my own mom. I feel so blessed to have the mom that I do. She is one brave, strong, loving, and kind woman that has taught me so much throughout my thirty years of life.

The greatest gift my mom ever gave me is that of freedom. Freedom from a life I can only imagine from stories she's told me. My mom came from a long line of alcoholism and abuse. At times her father would drink away their money, causing them to subsist on cat food because real groceries were unaffordable. Her mom was emotionally abusive and her dad was more physical. But they came from families where that was the norm. And yet, somehow, my mom overcame that all and raised us so that we never knew what she had. If my mom never did anything else for me, that one gift would be enough because it has freed me from the pain and heartbreak she knew and allowed me to improve one step better by raising my children in the gospel.

My mom also taught me that nothing is impossible. If you have the determination and enough knowledge to do what you want, or at least fake it through, then you can do anything. Sometimes the results aren't perfect, but you can at least say you tried. Even though she remarried twice, both of her husbands were hands-off. That meant it was my mom who was up the ladder at Christmas time in the snow putting up the lights on the house or my mom was the one fixing little things around the home. I think I can do anything thanks to her, which sometimes has proved to be interesting. (Just ask Marshall about his last haircut where I took apart the clippers to clean out some hair halfway through cutting his hair and then took another 20 minutes to get them back together correctly. But I got it right and his hair all cut!)

Holidays are something to celebrate! My mom always had decorations out for ever holiday. For St. Paddy's and Valentine's Day she would dye mashed potatoes and applesauce green or red for dinner, along with making green or red Jell-o and cookies. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the fun of holidays. And I keep that tradition alive in my home. Most of my decorations have been handed down from her vast collection of holiday decor.

Don't ever be afraid to do something kind for someone. My mom did and still does go out of her way to be kind to people. She has no problem chatting with a store clerk about life, taking a meal to a friend in need, or sending someone a card just because. Pick up the phone or stop by to visit someone you are worried about. That's how she is. I know I got that from her. I love to bake bread for people who've had a bad day or are sick. Or bring flowers. Little acts of kindness are the best and they feel so good to do!

My mom knows how to throw a good party. We'd have BBQs, picnics, and birthday parties at our house. To this day she is still in charge of the "Phelp's Cousins Reunion". She goes all out for any event. I remember when my oldest sister got married my mom painted the dressing room in our house to match the wedding colors. We'd always joke that when someone came to visit mom would remodel the house each time. Her motto was put everything you've got into parties and have fun!

If it doesn't kill you, it'll make you stronger. Life has bumps and that is just how it goes. In her life my mom has been through a lot. She's had her good moments and her bad moments, but she's always pulled through. And she has kept her humor with her. If you can laugh about something, then you've got it made. She is a great example to me of perseverance.

I love my mom. She is one incredible lady. I could go on and on with all that she has given me, like a love for cooking, a passion for creating, and the ability to dream, but time and space does not allow it. Hopefully this helps you to see how amazing my mom is and why I love her so much. Like I said, I am blessed to have her as my mom.


Stephanie Black said...

This is such a beautiful tribute!

Anonymous said...

What a nice post! Have a great Mother's Day!

Jarrod said...

Your mom has been so sweet each time I have met her. She is a great lady and you are a lucky girl to have her. Hope you have a happy mothers day, and thanks for letting Aidan eat all of your otter pops...that kid!