Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

When I was a child, every Memorial Day we'd go to the cemetery to lay flowers at the graves of family members. It was a neat tradition that even a little kid could pick up on the solemnity of. I remember wondering what life was like for my ancestors and who they were. Maybe that's what got my love for history growing.

We decided to keep that Memorial Day tradition alive in our home. Since we don't have any family buried in St. George, we go to the nearby cemetery and lay flowers on the graves of soldiers who seem to be unvisited by family. It's neat because we talk about how this person was a soldier, or this man was a fighter pilot, etc. Now that Anna is older she can read their names. The kids are full of questions about the people. And they enjoy taking the time to lay a flower on each grave. We also lay a rose by the statue of the soldiers.

I love being able to teach my children to respect and honor the dead, all those valiant people who fought and sacrificed so that we can be free. It gives us a moment to reflect on our blessings and the freedoms we enjoy living in this great country. Happy Memorial Day!

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