Sunday, May 31, 2009

Why I can't respect the man

So I am a little annoyed. I read in the paper today about how our wonderful President Obama took his wife on a date to the Big Apple for dinner and a Broadway show. How cute. I totally think couples should have date time. It's important. It feeds a relationship and allows it to grow and stay strong. However, my problem lies in the fact that President Obama took his wife on their little date using Air Force One, in other words, my tax dollars.

Our great leader had promised his wife during the presidential campaign to take her on said date and so he was just following through. They have gone out on the town in the nation's capitol, but this was their "big date". Good for them. But why in the world would he used tax payer's money to do it? The White House had no official comment on how much the date was costing the good people of our nation. Big surprise. Maybe this is why he wants to raise taxes on the rich so he can jet off to all sorts of places with his wife. That's right, take away their money so you can live like a king. It's the same idea as if my husband used tithing money to take me out on dates. It's just not honest.

I'm sorry, but I thought Obama was president of our country, not king. See, such frivolous spending is something I would expect from royalty. They're known for it. But not our president. Silly me, I thought he'd be smarter than that, especially when the economy is weak and many people are out of work. Way to show how you really care about the working man and how distant you actually are from the American people! Good job!

So let's review a simple concept most of you already understand. Going on dates is good. Spending other people's money that is supposed to be used to help our country for said extravagant date is bad. Next time, President Obama, use your brain and leave the jet at home.


annjeanette said...

I totally agree. I've given Sam the same arguments over the last week as it seems every news station is repeating this story over and over. And while I understand that he needs security and that we pay for that and I'm fine with that, he doesn't need to use tax dollars for everything else. Grrr.... I am a bit angry as well.

Sarah said...

I agree!!!

judy said...

I so agree with you Sue. He frightens me more every day, especially with his title of Czar for the people appointed to the various parts of OUR government, or am I wrong. Maybe it NOT our government, it Obama's little fiefdom.