Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bedtime Ramblings Become a Lesson

I am trying to come up with something witty to write while trying to get my girls to stay in bed, which just further fuels my frustration. I hate the first week back to school. It's fun and exciting, but it also is a major pain to get kids back on a schedule. And the fact that they are in school and have all sorts of things to be excited about doesn't help.

Somehow they think of the greatest excuses to come out of their rooms at night. "Mom, our curtain rod is bent." Hmmm, I wonder why. Perhaps because you've been pulling on it. Do you really think at 8:45 I am going to whip out my tool box and fix it? C'mon! Or, always the best reason, to come out and tattle on each other. "Mom, Rachel kicked me because she wanted to play with the magic wand." What? It's light's out so you shouldn't be playing with anything. By coming out you're showing me that you too are being disobedient. It's also great when they come out because they've hurt themselves doing something they shouldn't. "Mom, I whacked my elbow when I was jumping on Anna's bed!" Um, unless going to bed includes sleeping in mid-air in someone else's bed then I think you're in trouble here. Let's get with it people!

But you can't stay mad at them for long, even though Anna did just come out to tell me that she was naked because her jammies got wet and she had to change them (how this happened, I don't know), because they're cute and sweet and so very innocent. And we are a lot like them. How often do we get caught doing something we shouldn't or incriminate ourselves on accident? But we still think we can pull a sly one over on the Lord. "No, I haven't been avoiding doing my scripture study because I am lacking in faith. I've just been too busy." Or, "It's my companion's fault that we don't go visiting teaching because she doesn't call me to schedule a time to go." How about, "We can't have family home evening because Monday night is soccer practice night. We still eat dinner together most nights. That counts." Let's try, "It's hard to not talk complain about my husband sometimes because he can be so stupid and only my girl friends understand what I am going through." Ah, the list of justifications could go on and on. We think we're being wise and honest with ourselves and the Lord, but we're not.

Like me when it comes to my kids at bedtime, the Lord knows exactly what is going on and what we are trying to do. He knows if our hearts are truly converted to Him or not. If we were trying our best, we'd do all we can to follow Him, His commandments, and His prophets. Sometimes our best may change and not be what we wish it was, but He can see where our faith and trust lay. We are allowed to have bad days after all since we are not perfect. (and boy, do I have those bad days!) We can't fool Him with our lame excuses or accusations that our failure is a result of someone else. He knows better.

See, there's a reason why we are commanded to have kids. Yes, for Heavenly Father's plan, but also so we as parents can be humbled and learn. There are numerous parallels I draw from my experience as a mother to that of my being a daughter of God. I have a lot to learn from my kids.

1 comment:

Stephanie Black said...

Julia's favorite stall tactic is "I need to tell you one more thing."

Great parallel. Sometimes we are like little kids!