Sunday, August 23, 2009

Give Me Shakespeare Any Day!

I love Shakespeare. I really do. His whit, humor, and ability to write about man's shortcomings. I love the beautiful language. He has the great ability to make one laugh with his clever humor and, at other times, cause one to ponder his own faults. Reading his works cannot compare to seeing one performed live. When one sees his plays come to life there is whit, facial expressions, body language, and emotions that are lost in written form. The pure vileness of Iago that can chill to the bone or the stinging banter fired by passion between Beatrice and Benedict. Shakespeare knew human nature and portrayed it well. He was a true writer.

I pondered this as I sat through a mediocre comedy movie Saturday evening since I had just seen a Shakespeare play the night before. The difference between the quality of the two was amazing. The play was actually funny, clever, and entertaining while the movie was not. For some reason in our modern age we have lost the ability to use our brains to be entertained. We don't want whit, we want embarrassing sex scenes, a few obligatory swear words, and some potty jokes to make us laugh. Yeah, it takes real talent to come up with that stuff. And even more ability to chuckle at it. Hmmm. What does that say about us? What has happened to Hollywood and our society as a whole? Nothing is original or clever. Anything that is "labeled" as intellectual is really something that tries to push boundaries. I'm sorry, but I fail to see how a movie based on stretching the limits of morality or common decency can possibly be brain fodder. Maybe it's because after watching something deemed "intellectual" by modern standards that I have to use all my brain power to wipe it clean from my memory. Who knows? But I am not impressed. Movies that I have found clever and truly entertaining are far and few.

I would love to see someone, a writer who actually used his brain, the intelligent side, not the 12 year-old boy side, come up with an original movie idea and script. One that used words, and not passing gas or boobs, to make me laugh. One that has romance that is based one love and not one night stands. One that can show tragedy and drama without swearing or graphic violent scenes. How refreshing that would be!

I know, I set my hopes too high. So that's why I will stick to my Shakespeare and just keep on waiting.

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