Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Nine Years!!

Nine years, four kids, four vehicles, five apartments, one house, two bachelor degrees, one law degree, two cross-country moves, and a few pounds and stretch marks ago we were married in the St. George Temple. It has been a wonderful adventure. There has been laughter and tears (Marshall's still not perfect yet like me) and a lot of faith building experiences. Marshall has far exceeded my hopes. He is much more adorable than the day I married him and I love him even more.

To celebrate tonight Marshall will be spending the evening in bishopric training meetings. Now I could feel bad for myself, but I don't. (Not to mention that we have a sitter ready for a date out this Friday.) I can't think of a better place for my husband to be on our anniversary. Why? Because it means he has kept his covenants with the Lord and me and has been doing what he should be these past nine years. It means that I choose wisely. Who cares about fame, wealth, or worldly glory when it comes down to it? I don't have a huge diamond ring or a spacious new home to show for all these years of marriage. But I do have four beautiful children who know and see that their father loves and serves the Lord. That is priceless.

So Happy Anniversary to us! I love my sweetie and feel so blessed to have him. My life would be so void without the daily sunshine and laughter he brings into it. Life IS good!


Anonymous said...

I couldn't wish a more wonderful couple a Happy Anniversary! You guys a great and we wish you the best. Miss you!

annjeanette said...

Congrats! We hit 10 tomorrow!

Michelle said...

Congratulations! That is great. Cute pictures.