Friday, August 7, 2009

I Believe

I believe in the power of chiropractors! I never was big on them, even though my mom has always gone to one and I went to a few as a child. It was just one of those things that was nice, but not necessary. Until now.

Three months ago I started to experience some nasty daily symptoms. I'd have cold chills to the point that I'd curl up in a ball at night and freeze. A sore back that made sleeping a nightmare, sharp pain in my abdomen, and fatigue. It was not fun. I am normally a very active person who likes to exercise and isn't happy when I can't. These physical problems made exercising impossible and being functional a challenge. I went to the doctor a few times and did all sorts of blood work, body scans, and exams. Hundreds of dollars later I found out that my body is in tip-top shape. Great to hear, but it didn't solve the problem of my feeling like crud. I tried cutting dairy out of my diet, regularity options, and all sorts of stuff with no avail. I didn't feel any better and was getting seriously depressed.

Then one morning after spending the night curled up in a ball with cold chills, I decided I was going to try going to a chiropractor as a last resort. It couldn't hurt, right? Plus it had been before I was married since I had had my back adjusted. Having four kids had to have had some effect on it.

I am so glad I went because I learned that two of my vertebrate had twisted. This had caused a pinching of nerves and pretty much all of the symptoms I had been experiencing. I didn't consider that a misaligned back could affect my nervous system, but it did and had made my life utterly miserable. I have been going in for adjustments bi-weekly for a month now and have seen huge results. I have energy and no longer suffer from back pain, cold chills, and ab discomfort. I can sleep at night! I can exercise and be the mom and wife to my family that I struggled to be while suffering those two months. It has been incredible! My back is improving now so I only have to go weekly for adjustments. My doctor is wonderful and very helpful. I have my little daily back stretches to do and am more conscious of how I use my back. I feel like a new person!

Thank goodness for modern medicine, chiropractors, and promptings of the Spirit! I believe in chiropractors!


annjeanette said...

Glad you are feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Sue, My brother is a Chiropractor and I don't think I had ever really believed in them until he finished school. Then the things he taught me made perfect sense. I am so glad that you are feeling better.

p.s. do you care if I share your story with him? He LOVES hearing stories like yours.