Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Let's Be More Positive!

I am a prideful person. Nothing gets under my skin more than people telling me what I can and cannot do. I don't like to hear that something is impossible to do because I am stubborn enough that I believe a way can be found to do the said task. I hate it when people think the world is ending over some silly little thing. I don't buy into the sky falling on my head any time soon just because my kids were beasts for a day. (That doesn't mean that I am not above letting it ruin my mood for that day.) I like positive people who mind their own business and give advice only when I ask for it.

I cannot tell you how many times someone has shared a tid-bit of "wisdom" with me about parenting, marriage, womanhood, dieting, or sex (eek!)when I really didn't want or need it. I know sometimes they are just trying to be nice, but there is only so much kindness I can take. Despite being an open person, I am very private too. I like to figure things out on my own, seek advice or counsel when I need it, and move on with my life. I'd like to think I know what is going on in my own life and, therefore, can make good decisions based on that. I know, I don't know everything. Far from it! There's a heck of a lot I still need to learn. But I like to figure it out on my own. Sometimes I would like to say "Hello! I am not a complete moron! I do have some clue as to what I am doing so butt out!" But I don't.

What is it about human nature that makes us pry into other people's lives? Instead of running off our mouths about how much we know, wouldn't it be a lot better to cheer each other on and give positive support? To say "Good job! You're doing it!" to the young moms. Or "You are doing wonderfully at supporting your husband in his calling as x". And so on. Just think of the good effect it would have on people. We'd be a lot more confident in the what we are doing. People who offer unsolicited advice tend to ignore the fact that their way isn't always the right way because there are lots of right ways. Everyone does things differently. The way I approach parenting, marriage, or household chores may be different from your's. And that's okay. Tell me how awesome I am doing instead of what I am failing at.

Of course, there are times when we need advice and seek it out. I have no problem with that. And there are always a few people in my life that I do take unsolicated advice from , such as my husband and the Lord. Well, really only them. They know how I am doing and what I can be better at. But they do it with love because they see the full potential that I possess when I cannot. And I try my best to be humble when I do receive their counsel and advice.

But aside from those two, I'd rather figure out the rest for myself. That is what makes life fun! I'd prefer more positive feedback instead of negative. I think we all could benefit more from that.


Michelle said...

Well said Sue. I think you are doing great. You are a wonderful mom and I appreciate your example. & I love to read your never boring blog.
Thank you for the flowers.

mean aunt said...

but now I have the urge to give you unsolicited advice!

Stephanie Black said...

I want to know the stories that prompted this blog! (Okay, I'm nosy).

By the way, I think you're a great mom.

mathmom said...

Yes, Sue, I want to know the story too. (I think I'm innocent since I didn't even get to say two words to you yesterday when I saw you at grandma day.)

And, you are right. Being positive is way more beneficial for everyone. Good job at being so positive with your kids and husband!