Friday, August 28, 2009

Car Seat Insanity

Today I read about a recent British study concerning car seats. Apparently they discovered the "safest way for a kid under 4 to ride is facing backwards". The article encouraged parents to keep their kids rear facing up until the seat's weight and height limit, beyond the American Academy of Pediatrics 1 year minimum.

Well, I always knew the British were a little loopy. Surely, you must be joking! That means right now I could have my three and a half year old facing backwards in the car. (Not that he could because he is so tall.) But what on earth would he do with his legs? Talk about uncomfortable. Not to mention the need to install chrome plated seats since he would kick the heck out of regular cloth or leather ones. Shoot, by the time my kids hit one year they are more than ready to turn around because they are so cramped riding backwards and bored out of their minds. Give me a break!

Why don't we just wrap our children in bubble wrap before we take them out? Or better yet, why take them out in the car at all? Horrible things could happen to them if they go out in public because no one is nice and everyone is out to get them. Better to keep them in the house, or the basement so no cancer causing sun rays can get to them. They could be home schooled, fed on an organic diet that no animals were harmed in the process of creating, read books that are printed on recycled paper, and wear Eco-friendly clothes colored from natural vegetable dyes. Thank goodness we have scientists who spend their time and our money to research out all these important questions! What would we do without them?

I'm sorry, but this is just plain stupid. I am all about car safety and such, but there comes a point when I have to say "chill". It's like what my mother-in-law said about babies sleeping on their backs. "They used to say to put them on their stomachs, now they say backs are safer. In another ten years they'll be telling us to hang them by their feet!" (And she is a nurse.) Enough is enough. Maybe it is safer for a child to ride backwards until the age of 4, but is it really what is best or wise for the child? See the above mentioned about what my 3 year old would do if I put him backwards in the car. It would not be safe because of the huge tantrums he would throw or he could push himself out of his seat with his feet.

Next they will be telling us it's best for the welfare of our children to not have them at all because the world isn't safe enough for them after all.


Michelle said...

So true. Everyone has survived. I don't know where they come up with these things.

Anonymous said...

Those "loopy" British - trying to protect their kids from the number 1 cause of death among children.

Bonnie said...

I agree with you, Sue. It is impractical and ridiculous to keep a kid rear-facing until he is four. I like the bubble-wrap idea, though. :)

Anonymous said...

Car seats cost money. That money goes to people who legislate for more car seats. It's a positive feedback loop that uses fear and guilt to slip by without being questioned. See this video: