Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Enjoying the Journey

What makes you get out of bed every morning? I'm not talking about the responsibilities that are waiting for you each day, I am inquiring about the little joys you find in every day. Do you take the time to savor something every day that brings you happiness? Are you enjoying the journey, or just looking forward to the end result?

Yesterday I listened to President Monson's Sunday morning conference address and he spoke on this subject. He mentioned how we need to enjoy the journey, to find happiness in each day. Time flies. He and his wife just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Where did the time go? Forty five years ago he was the junior apostle. He had many men he looked up to in the Quorum of the Twelve. Now they have passed on and he is the senior member, the prophet. Time moves at an alarming rate. President Monson spoke about how parents of young children may feel the chaos, the clutter of toys, and the mounds of laundry, and the sticky fingerprints will never end, but all too soon children grow up and parents are left longing for those precious early years. He quoted Professor Harold Hill from "The Music Man" in that "If you save up enough tomorrows, all you'll be left with is a lot of empty yesterdays." What a profound thought.

I know I look forward to "tomorrow" often in my life. I can't wait until Jimmy isn't such a handful or will potty train. I can't wait until the baby comes because I am dying to meet him and getting more uncomfortable each day. I can't wait until we have a bigger savings account. I look forward to the day when I don't have to sweep after every meal. I can't wait until my kids can do more chores around the house or when grocery shopping isn't such an ordeal. The list could go on.

But at the same time, I can wait. I love my kids and enjoy the ages and stages they are in. They make me laugh and smile.

So what do I look forward to every day? Opening the door to Jimmy's room in the morning and being greeted by some enthusiastic phrase and a big smile. Waiting to see what cute things Jimmy will say each day. Wondering what tall tales Rachel will tell. Hoping she'll give me a hug, like she does every day. Finding out what Anna learned in school. Waiting to see what expert advice and knowledge Anna has to share. Writing a note on Anna's lunch box napkin as I pack her lunch. Listening to the kids giggle. Watching Jimmy tell "jokes" at the table and then laugh hysterically at his humor. Seeing what kind things the kids do for each other. Having Marshall come home from work. Smelling the crisp fall air and maybe even someone burning a fire. Reading my scriptures and finding some insight to my life. Checking email and blogs. Sitting outside with the kids and watching them ride their bikes and play all sorts of imaginary games. Looking around my beautiful warm house and feeling content with life. Going to sleep after a long day.

These are just a few of things I look forward to every day. What about you? Do you find little tidbits to cherish each day? Do you enjoy the journey? I hope you take the time to do so because it'd be sad to miss out on the whole adventure.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Wow, that was beautiful and very well put. It was also exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for sharing that.