Monday, November 3, 2008

What's for dinner?

All right people, the time for decision has come. We have waited in vain hope that someone would bring us a take-out menu, but it looks like we're still stuck with the same choices of cream of celery or Spam. So what'll it be?

I personally will be SO glad when tomorrow is over. It am sick of all the mud slinging, oh I mean campaigning, that has been going on. The ridiculous promises and the back biting. I'm not talking about getting my children to clean their rooms, I'm talking about the candidates. I just want them to be quiet and show me what they can do. So I welcome the end of all this insanity.

Unfortunately, the choices haven't changed. Dang! But I still went out and voted early to make my choice. I voted for the cream of celery. Not as exciting as the Spam, but the celery is more appealing and seems a tad bit more realistic than the Spam. The Spam is just too annoying and disgusting for me to want to consider eating. I don't like the Spam and what it stands for. So I chose cream of celery, though not appetizing, at least it is a bit more palatable than the Spam.

I don't care what your choice is going to be for dinner, but you better get your butt out there and make your feelings known. Some say it is hopeless and the Spam will win no matter what. So what?! You still need to put your vote in. I'd be pretty crabby if everyone else chose Spam for dinner and I hadn't at least made my opinion known. I'd only have myself to blame for not exercising my right to vote. Some say Spam will win and the world will end. I doubt that. I've been listening to General Conference again and the brethren have talked about hope, peace, and good things. Sure, hard times will come, but I don't think it's all over yet. The prophet and apostles wouldn't tell us to have hope if everything was going to crash down around us. They are preparing us to be strong for hard times, but a lot of good things must happen still before the end. So get out there and vote. It does make a difference and, more importantly, it's your duty.

Tomorrow we'll find out what is for dinner, Spam or cream of celery. One might be more difficult to swallow down than the other, but at least we can say we had an active part in the choice of meals.


Bonnie said...

At least we hope it's tomorrow that we find out what's for dinner. We may not be finding out until January. Whoever wins, I hope they win by an un-recountable landslide.

annjeanette said...

I am in complete agreement with your feelings, Sue. I missed the early voting here (because I am a nut) so I'll be heading in as early as I can tomorrow.