Thursday, November 13, 2008

A whole lot of attitude

One way I keep my sanity is to read. I love to read! I've gotten back into the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series by Alexander McCall Smith. I had read the first one a few years ago and just recently decided to read the rest. I think there are seven or eight books in the series. I just finished the third and it was a hoot. The books take place in Botswana, Africa and follow the adventures of one Precious Ramotswe, a lady detective. I love these books. They are well written and give a fascinating peek into African culture. And who couldn't love Mma. Ramotswe and her take on life? She is a "traditionally" built African woman and proud of her size. My favorite quote from this book is when she contemplates how she likes to eat a piece of cake or doughnut after her meals. And why not?

"She was a traditionally built lady, after all, and she did not have to worry about dress size, unlike those poor, neurotic people who were always looking in mirrors and thinking they were too big. What was too big, anyway? Who was to tell another person what size they should be? It was a form of dictatorship, by the thin, and she was not having any of it. If these thin people became any more insistent, then the more generously sized people would just have to sit on them. Yes, that would teach them! Hah!"

What's not to love? I totally agree! We could use more of that attitude, I know I could. I just went clothes shopping this morning and felt like a hippo in everything. Granted, I am very pregnant, but I could use someone telling me I look beautiful no matter my size!

So if you're looking for a fun read, check out these delightful books!


annjeanette said...

okay, i'll admit that i am one of those neurotic people always looking in the mirror, thinking they are too big. so sue me. not going to change. oh well.

MyDonkeySix said...

Hey, I am one of those people too. I just hope someday I'll calm down some!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,

Yes the Ward Christmas Program! I am the Mia Maid Advisor in our ward and was asked to help on the Christmas Activities committee. Did I say Help? They kind of turned the program over to me to write and they will do the dinner. Lucky Me!