Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Power of TV

All I know, I learned from watching tv. Okay, not really and thank goodness for that. But it has been interesting to see who different tv channels target with their commercials. The stereotyping is so obvious and comical. So far this is what I have learned:

1. Sports channels, especially Versus: Only men watch these shows. Men who drive big trucks and drink alcohol. At least that is what the commercials tell me. And there is a reason why these men feel the need to drive big honkin' trucks that would run over a semi. It's because they are lacking in other important areas. Yep, that's right. These men are all in need of some help down south. No kidding. It seems like every other commercial on Versus is for male enhancement. Enough already, I get the picture. Now we know the REAL secret behind men with big trucks.

2. The History Channel: Only fat people who like to get rich quick watch this channel. There seems to be a commercial for weight loss at every break. Some person showing before pictures of them in a skimpy bathing suit and then after pictures with a toned hard body. And all it took was one little pill! Wow! I really don't like to see anyone in a bikini or bum clinging shorts. And I just don't believe a little pill fixed it all. I'm not fat and I watch the History Channel. Does that mean there is something wrong with me?

And what about those commercials with "Send in your old jewelry and turn it into cash!" I love the lady with the nasally New York accent who tells us how she sent in her ring from her first marriage and got cash the next day. Can you say trashy? C'mon people, there are actually some educated folks out there who do like to learn about history. So cater to me.

3. Kid Networks, ie. Nick, Disney, or Cartoon Network: There are all sorts of commercials here, but thankfully no male enhancement ones. There are tons of toy advertisements. Gotta reach those kids and make them think they want toys. That makes sense and my two year old is convinced that he needs all the toys he sees on tv. "Mom, I want that." Uh-huh.

Then there are the commercials for people in debt. Tons of them about refinancing their homes or some other thing dealing with money. Are all parents of young kids supposed to be in serious debt? Or if I was at home during the day and in debt, would I spend my time watching Dora? Maybe that would help cheer my mood, or drive me to insanity.

And, of course, there are the commercials geared to moms about all sorts of cleaning and beauty products. My now six year-old used to turn to me and say "Mom, that mop is great! Would you like it?" I would if it would make cleaning my floors that easy and fun. Ha! And as for the beauty products, no amount of fancy shampoo is going to make me feel de-stressed and beautiful in my hectic kid filled life. Unless the shampoo has some drug induced effects. That might work.

Ah, the joys of advertising. Now you know which channels you can watch. If you don't fit the stereotypes of these commercials on these channels, then you'll have to tune to something else.

And since we are talking commercials, I leave you the link to my favorite cleaning ads by Swiffer dealing with "Mr. Mop" on you-tube. (The first one is the best!)

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

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