Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's Over (Except for Prop 8)

The election is over! Yippee! We are still waiting to hear about California and it is a close call, but at least the Presidential part is over. Whew! We have a new president and even thought he's not my guy, I am glad we are done. My husband and I were talking as we drifted off to sleep last night (our first time to see each other much that day) about how it is just nice to have the election over. Many people are worried that the world is ending because Obama won, but we don't think so. There is too much to be done still with the Gospel.

Just think how amazing it is to witness the history of the first African-American being elected president. Our country has come a long way from being founded with slavery in full swing. Or even since the Civil Rights movement in the sixties. It's great to see the progression we've made and a historical moment take place.

Even though Obama isn't who I wanted, I am not surprised he won. He had a huge following and, unfortunately for McCain, had much more charisma. I am excited to see what the new president is going to do for our country. I am interested to see how many promises he made are going to be kept. (I hope some of them he doesn't keep!) I may not like the man, but I respect his office as president. He's going to be in charge for the next four years and so we better get used to the idea. Marshall and I talked about how we can hope for the best and pray for him to be guided in wisdom in his decisions. It's either that or spend the next four years bitter and predicting destruction at every turn. So we chose to be positive and see what comes of it.

More than anything, I am just so glad the chaos is over. Maybe now we can have some peace from all the campaigning.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I couldn't agree more. I'm very Thankful it is over too.