Sunday, November 2, 2008

I am insane!

Sometimes I wonder if I am going insane because my emotions are seriously crazy. At times I start crying and think "What is going on here? Why in the world am I crying?" And it often confuses my poor husband because he has no idea if he did something wrong or not. Nope, I'm just insane. My body is full of all sorts of hormones that make crying as easy as breathing. Anything can trigger it like my husband forgetting to say "I love you" one time on the phone, a crabby child, forgetting to buy something at the store, the presidential election, weighing in at the doctors, etc.

This morning is a perfect example of this insanity. I was having a great Sunday morning. The kids were angels about getting ready. We made it to church early, as usual, and life was good. However, before I could finish saying "hi" to Marshall he was whisked away by some sister. When he came back he informed me that he will be at church until after 4 and then has a last minute meeting at 5. For some reason this started some emotional "Sue pity party" where I start to cry. Open the flood gates!It's not out right bawling, but slow tears. I am wondering "what is going on here?" as I sit throughout sacrament meeting and cry. There have been numerous times when Marshall has had something last minute come up that keeps him away from home longer. And most Sundays he doesn't get home until after 4pm. If he gets home early it is a treat. So I had no idea why this affected me so much. I kept trying to slyly wipe away tears and yet they kept coming. It was so annoying. It was like the "off" button in my eyes was broken. Finally I had to take Jimmy out (lame excuse) and go to the bathroom to freshen up. Of course, by that time I had cried so much that I ended up with a sinus headache and went home early from church after I got the kids to their classes. Well, that reason and the whole fact that I was falling apart in the middle of church. I am sure some people wondered what on earth was going on. That's what I'd like to know!

I'm really not depressed and my world is not ending. But I am pregnant so I am going to have to blame this episode on my crazy hormones. It's one thing to go all emotionally hysterical at home, but quite another to have it happen in public. What an adventure! Just another reason to show that pregnant women really are truly amazing for all they go through to have a baby and that December 30th is welcome to come sooner. Please!


annjeanette said...

okay, i do that and i am not pregnant. what is my excuse?

Anonymous said...

Sue, I would do that too after long weeks of my husband being at Bishop's meetings or called out to work. And I wasn't pregnant!! Sometimes you just need a good cry. And no, you are not insane. Just normal.

MyDonkeySix said...

Thanks you two. It's nice to know I am not alone in my emotions!

Jarrod said...

You are awesome, whenever I have a meeting with Marshall (which seems to be often lately) I am always thinking about you and your family. He is such a great bishop and cares so much for everyone. Thank you for sharing him with us. Also, thank you for coming to Damian's baptism, he was really grateful to everyone who came.