Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Kitchen: Room of Torture

I like to torture children. It's true, just ask my kids. At least three or four times a week I inflict some horrible punishment upon them in the form of meals. I keep a special cupboard that houses all of my recipes of weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. No matter that I cook my meals from scratch, most nights, it still is torture to eat them. Oh cruel world! How could my children be cursed with such an uncaring mother! Here is a taste of my latest session of pain:

Anna: Mom, what's for dinner?

Mom: BBQ grilled chicken, grilled vegetables, baked potatoes, and bread.

Anna: That's a Sunday meal! You always make that for Sunday! (Really, we just had lasagna this past Sunday. Mmm)

Mom: No, we don't always have that on Sunday. There will be bread for you to eat too.

Anna: Well, I don't like that meal and I won't color if we have it.

Mom: Okay. You won't be having any dinner if you keep that crabbiness up.

Anna: I want chicken nuggets and cheese(mozzarella)sticks.

Mom: Nope. That's not what we're having.

Anna: Well, when I am a mom I am going to make chicken nuggets and cheese sticks for two nights and then pizza for the other nights. I won't make things I don't like.(Neither do I.)

Mom: Sounds good to me.

Yes, I am a true mom. My kids now swear to not make the meals I make, just like I used to vow the same when my mom cooked for me. Life is hard when mom won't cook only what you like. I better go check my book of pain and tears for new techniques. You know that Betty Crocker is one pretty darn sadistic lady.


judy said...

Sue, this is Judy Shuck.....I love your blogs! It saves my sanity each day to read your wonderful little essays on things in your life. You make me laugh, you make me smile and sometimes you make me think about things. You are a wonderfully creative writer. I wanted to leave a comment about "the Room of Torture"....fortunately, I am almost finished with that stage of my life after my granddaughter and daughter move out, but when the 5 kids were growing up I always made them eat everything or at least try it. It wasn't until they were grown and out of the nest that they found out I hated, hated broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and a plethera of other green veggies. I faked it until they were gone, now I can eat what I want!! Keep up your fun writings. Judy

mean aunt said...

This is why when my kids ask what's for dinner I always reply, "Something you hate."


MyDonkeySix said...

Thanks Judy. I am glad you enjoy them! I have fun writing about whatever's on my mind. And I am sure once the kids are gone I will cut out some things from my menu too!

annjeanette said...

That sounds like what we go through here everyday too! Ahh, the joys of children.