Wednesday, August 27, 2008

You're kidding, right?

I hate politics. I really do. They bore me and I tire of all the fluff involved. I love history and learning about how people lived, but I could care less about learning in depth about the political part. Give me a quick over view. My husband, on the other hand, finds such things fascinating. He was a political science major. But not for me.

Last night my husband had the Democratic Convention on for maybe a minute or two. And my hatred of politics only increased. One speaker was talking about Barack Obama and how incredible he was. He said something along the lines of "If you think the technological advances we've made in the past ten years are amazing, compared to Barack Obama you ain't seen nothing yet!" Oh really. Hello pompous fool. I don't think so. Are you even thinking about what you are saying? Most likely not. So Obama is better than the i-pod, i-phone, Tivo, Blackberry, the Wii, teeny tiny cell phones that can do all sorts of cool things, digital cameras, wireless Internet, etc.? The list goes on and on. I don't have room to write it all down, but I am barely touching the surface. We live in an age of invention. There are so many gadgets available and that keep coming out. Medicine has benefited greatly from the progress that has been made in technology. I am so glad to live in this day and age with all those benefits. But Barack Obama is going to be more amazing than all this if elected president? Hmmmm.

I never have liked the man. I remember when we lived in Indiana and he was coming into he spotlight in Illinois. I just didn't like him. He seemed fake, which one can say for most politicians, but he really just rubbed me the wrong way. It seems like he has no idea what he is doing now. I am not impressed. I disagree with the comment made at the convention by the above idiot. Personally, I'd take a Wii over Obama any day.

1 comment:

judy said...

You are so right! Mr. "O" is "much ado about NOTHING!" He really scares me.