Sunday, August 17, 2008

Those Amazing Men Who Serve

It's Sunday night and we are sitting and watching the Olympics. The phone rings and I know that no one calls for me on Sunday. Marshall takes the phone and goes into his favorite place to talk, the laundry room. (Why he never picks the office/ toy room, I'll never know.) After a few minutes of waiting I go and start playing on-line. He comes in ten minutes later to inform me that he's going to need to make some calls and will be on the phone for awhile.

This is just one example of what life is like for my bishop husband. Today he came home from church feeling very tired from all the people who came to visit him about financial, familial, and marital problems. He hears it all and then some and has to find a way to counsel and help these people. Thank goodness he has the Lord on his side.

Not growing up in the church and seeing a father serve in callings, I never understood all the time and dedication it takes to be in a priesthood calling. I know we all have responsibilities with our callings (not to mention the intensity of being a Relief Society or Primary President, but we're focusing on the guys here) , but seeing a bishop in action in my home and life has been an eye opening experience. These men that lead and serve us spend countless hours in meetings, counseling people, and seeking revelation concerning how to best lead the ward, stake, and church. As I sat in church today and looked up at Marshall while the sacrament prayer was being said (my eyes were already opened due to sitting with small children) I watched him look out over the ward and pause here and there as he gained insight about certain people. I knew it was happening and it was so neat to see. He really is called of God!

Many praises and blessings to these wonderful men who lead and guide us, whether it be at the ward, stake, or higher church level. One cannot imagine the hours they spend serving in their callings. I know there are so many times when they'd rather be with their families and relaxing than doing what they are asked to do. It's not always "fun". They don't do it for money, praise, or power. They do it because they have a testimony of the Lord and are committed to Him. Personally, I am so glad I don't have to be a bishop, stake president, or prophet. I think there is a reason why those callings are reserved for men not only because of the priesthood, but also because of how men and women are made. I am very grateful for all the priesthood holders, especially my sweet bishop husband, who serve me daily. These wonderful men are amazing examples of being a true disciple of Christ.

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