Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Magical Lotion

Yesterday I noticed on my Jergen's lotion bottle that it said "penetrates and transforms" skin. This claim just made me laugh. I am all about a lotion that can penetrate my skin and moisturize it. D'uh, why would I buy a lotion that wouldn't?

But the transform part cracked me up. What kind of transformation are we talking about here? I am assuming something good. If I put it on my stomach, will it transform my stretch marks back into normal looking skin? Or if I put it on my chest will it transform it to the pre-nursing firmness? Or will it transform cellulite on thighs to smooth and silky skin? What if I put it on my front door? Will it magically transform the rough surface to a newly sanded and painted door? Or if I sprayed it on the clover patches in my backyard would it all change to grass? Can I rub it on my debit card and transform my bank account to have millions? When my kids are misbehaving, can I rub it on them and transform them into angel children? Should I try it on my husband's head and see if his baldness changes into thick luscious locks? I need to know these things. To transform is a big claim and I want to know what I can expect. I'll guess I'll keep using the lotion (just on me)and wait for the magical results. One can hope, right?

1 comment:

Harrop Family said...

Sue, You are hilarious. This post had me laughing so hard!! You're totally awesome. Good thoughts.

I found your blog on Annjeanette's. It was fun to see pictures of your kids and how they've grown. What a cute family you have.

~Britnee Harrop