Saturday, August 16, 2008

No Crabbies, Please!

One of my biggest pet peeves is crabby people. Now I know we all have bad moments and are allowed to have bad days. I am cool with that. I am talking about people who are perpetually crabby. Nothing ever seems to go right for them. Life is too hectic and crazy. Their world is coming to an end daily. No one has it as bad as they do.

These people also tend to be very self focused. Maybe that's why they are so crabby. They will go on and on about how horrible things are for themselves, never stopping to ask for a moment how you or anyone else is doing. It is all about them. Being around these type of people is emotionally draining and gets old. I have no tolerance for crabby people. I tend to avoid those friends and family members who have eternal pinecones. They are not fun to be around. Maybe it's because I've dealt with enough grouches in my younger years that I've reached my quota. No more crabbies please!

It especially bugs me when these perpetually crabby people tend to complain about their spouses or kids. I tend to hear more women complain about their husbands than the other way around. Granted I don't hang out with lots of men because that would be awkward. Some women find a complaint in everything. "My husband wanted to take us all out to dinner tonight and I don't know why." "He tried cleaning up the house and didn't do it right." Girl, be happy for what you get because if I was living with your crabby butt, I wouldn't be tempted to be kind to you either! I agree that there should be an agreement on how the house is run and kids are raised. Fathers should step in and help. But if the wife is going to beat him down every time he does something to lighten her load, soon the husband isn't going to want to help. So be quiet and let him do it his way!

As for kids, they can be very challenging at times. Constant messes and siblings fights, stubborn refusals to do chores or homework, and the list goes on. Yeah, it's tough raising kids. But if you can't find joy with your children, then you really need to reconsider your attitude. A hug, kiss, or cute phrase. Having them repeat something they learned from you or having them show how much they truly do admire you and their siblings. Making a right choice all on their own. Those are the golden moments. If you look, and it's not that hard, you can find little things every day that bring you joy in being a parent.

Like I said, perpetually crabby people annoy me. Nothing in life is worth making you miserable, trust me. I've seen some doosies in my life and I still can't find anything worth being crabby about. Life is too precious to spend bitter and upset. Have a bad day once in awhile, but then get over it, move on, and look outward. "Suck it up!" You'll be better for it!

1 comment:

mean aunt said...

Girl, be happy for what you get because if I was living with your crabby butt, I wouldn't be tempted to be kind to you either!

OK, that made me laugh out loud (as opposed to LOL)