Monday, April 13, 2009

First Roach of the Season

Summer is approaching. How do I know this? Not from the weather warming, light lasting later, or greenery in full bloom, but rather my spotting of the first cockroach of the season yesterday. As I was sweeping up after dinner by the open back door, a little "friend" came scurrying in. Time to call the bug guy because summer is coming!

I remember the first time I spotted my first cockroach here in sunny St. George. Ah, fond memories. You see, I grew up back East where seeing a cockroach means one has serious cleaning issues. So when I saw a cockroach around my home, I immediately thought that I was failing in my efforts to keep our home clean. I mean, I thought I was pretty good at keeping things nice, but maybe I wasn't.

I then found out, after talking to me mother-in-law and husband, that cockroaches are a normal occurrence in St. George. Huh? I mean, they knew this all along and yet opted to live here out of their own free will? What? Why didn't someone tell me this before?! Ants, spiders, and flies are normal bugs to see around your house. Not cockroaches! (Not to mention the first summer in our home when I found a little scorpion on the ceiling. Yeah, I wasn't too keen on St. George that year.)

Since that first memorable summer here, I've come to terms with my new bug friends. Whenever the "bug man" comes to spray, the kids have fun finding dead roaches for me to sweep up. But I still don't like them and never will get used to seeing them. Just another reason for me to dislike Dixie in the summer. But it still beats dealing with humidity so it is a price I am willing to pay, for now. (I do plan on asking God why cockroaches were created. I just can't think of a reason why aside from tormenting me.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I so don't miss the cockroaches. Our place in St. George was infested with them and we just couldn't quite seem to get rid of them. Now in Idaho, we are infested with knats!!! Don't open your mouth at all while your outside or you might get your daily dose of protein!