Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Tomorrow I hit thirty! Whooppee! I feel pretty unimpressed with turning thirty. My life is just what I hoped it would be by this age. (Well, I did think I would be older if my husband ever became a bishop. I never thought I'd be a bishop's wife at 28. But some things can't be helped!) Anyhow, since it is my birthday you all should write comments about how amazing and awesome I am. I mean, not that I am fishing for compliments or anything. ;)


jmm43 said...

Sue you are the best! Every day I am thankful that I am able to be your husband. Thank you for everything! Happy B-Day.

judy said...

I know I don't see you very often Sue, but your wonderful personality comes out in your blogs. You're witty, introspective, awesome sense of humor (birthday PAP smear still cracks me up!), your insight on your world around you, the unlimited love you have for your family, and your handle on your depression without meds is amazing to me. Keep up the good work and enjoy a wonderful 30th!

Sarah said...

You are so AMAZING and GORGEOUS and TALENTED and KIND-HEARTED!!!! Fish away, dear :) Hope you have a splendid birthday! And I'm so glad to hear you're embracing your 30th birthday with a big smiley bear hug instead of saying you're 29 year after year :) Good for you!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday!
You are such a great person. You are close to the lord and you are a wonderful mother. You are a Great example. I'm glad we are friends. I love reading your blog. I find it amazing that it is always exactly what I need to hear.
I hope you have a great Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy, Birthday to you!!! I wish I was there to take you to lunch. I hope you have an awesome day!

Bonnie said...

Happy Birthday, Sue! You are so talented and fun, and I'm so glad I get to have you for a sister-in-law!

Have a great day!

Jarrod said...

Sorry I missed you on your birthday!! Hope you had a great day!! I think you are such a strong, spiritual, helpful, pleasant, amazing person. It has been great getting to know you and sharing in the joys of mommyhood with you. Thanks for letting my kids run amuck in your backyard all of the time! I am so glad and very lucky to have you as a neighbor/friend/visiting teacher! Thank you for being you!