Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What a great find!

Wow! I was just busy preparing my lesson for Sunday when I stumbled across the new website at lds.org with "The Friend". It is pretty awesome. There are printable activities for kids, on-line puzzles of scripture stories, coloring pages, games, stories to listen to, and slide shows to watch. From the "For Little Friends" section there are short cartoon videos based on each month's theme in that section. And you can search coloring pages and activities based on topic. It's heaven! I love it and can't wait to show it to my kids. They like to play games on-line, but how cool is it that they can do gospel oriented activities on the computer now? Plus it's a safe and wholesome website. What a great Sunday activity!

Just go to www.lds.org, click on magazines, and then choose "The Friend". Enjoy!


annjeanette said...

I love that site too! It is great!

Stephanie Black said...

Julia found out about this site in Primary, and she really enjoys it.