Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Rachel!

Five years ago today Miss Rachel Elain made her appearance in life. And like her personality, her birth began with a big bang! It happened early in the morning after a big storm hit the area in Indiana. My whole labor from start to finish was only two hours long. The doctor came in just as Rachel came out. It was a sign of things to come, showing that Rachel waits for no one.

I love Rachel. She can be stubborn as a mule, but she is very sweet and adorable. Shy with a bit of spice. She loves to do kind things for others and is almost always willing to help out. I love the fact that Rachel isn't afraid to like what she wants to like. For example, for her birthday she got a Leonardo Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figure, a Batman action figure with car, and a Green Lantern t-shirt. She likes things considered "boys only" and could care less what anyone else has to say about it. This Saturday we are having her Batman themed birthday party with only boys invited because all her friends are boys. This morning she headed out the door to pre-school in her new Green Lantern shirt, shorts, and pink snow boots. That's Rachel! As long as her hair is combed she's good to go. I love her little unique personality and that she is comfortable being herself. That is priceless and I hope she never loses it!

Tonight we are having a Batman cake, but I'll post pictures of that when I'm finished making it! Happy Birthday Rachel!


annjeanette said...

I can't believe she is five! We first met when she was just about 3 1/2 weeks old. Holy cow time flies. She is darling and I love that she loves what she wants. What a great personality trait. Happy Birthday to her!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Rachel! That is so great about her liking what she likes and not following others. That is a great quality. She is such a sweet girl.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Rachel. Have a great day and enjoy your batman cake!