Sunday, April 19, 2009

One year older

Thanks for all the birthday wishes! I did have a great day, aside from sitting in a very long funeral just to be with my husband who had to attend as bishop. (He kept nervously saying "Happy Birthday" becvause he felt so bad about it all.) But hey, I got to spend time with him, right? (I can tell future generations the story of how on my 30th birthday I went on a date to a funeral.) We did actually get to go out to lunch afterwards and that was fun.

The kids were all very sweet and got me presents. Rachel gave me pink roses, Anna pink lotion, and Jimmy Reese's peanut butter cups (my favorite!). Marshall made me a delicious dinner and got me an ice cream cake from Cold Stone. It was heavenly and very wicked. You know, the kind of cake that leaves it's creamy residue on your lips. You know it's bad for you, but sooo good. I still have 2/3 of it left in the freezer. Goodbye waist!

For my present, and Marshall's since his birthday is in May, we got a piano. Let me tell you about this wonderful website called It's like a garage sale on-line. People post things they want to sell. Marshall has been wanting to get a used piano for some time and has looked at a few, but none of them were too hot. Any piano we found that was nice was too pricey. Then this piano posted for $650. Too good to be true, right? It turns out the man's deceased wife was a piano teacher and so they had a few pianos around the house (what would that be like?) and he was wanting to get rid of them. The piano we got is a 15 year old Kimball. It is beautiful. It just needs to be tuned. Talk about a great find and blessing! Needless to say, Marshall and the kids have been playing out their hearts since it was delivered yesterday. It's great and I love how it makes our front room look classy.

Anyhow, I survived turning 30. I don't feel any wiser or older, though I did have some back pain this morning and I found that amusing. As if my body is saying "You're older! Ha ha ha!" But I won't let some silly back pain stop me from another year filled with all sorts of crazy adventures. Life is good!

1 comment:

annjeanette said...

Glad you had a great day, aside from the funeral! I am jealous of you piano! How great for all of you!!!