Monday, April 20, 2009


1. Did you know I am growing a beard? Me neither! According to Jimmy I am. He touched my chin one day and said "Mom, you growing a beard?" Um, thanks.

2. The sign at the Play land at McDonald's says parents are welcome to play too. What parent in their right mind would want to play in the play land equipment? I once had to go up to get a stuck Jimmy. It was not fun.

3. I got my new Lands End bathing suit. (Thanks for the suggestions, everyone.) It is cute, but I'm not too excited about that body that fits into it.

4. See I think the world is out to get me. If I am not sick or my kids aren't sick, then Jacob gets up tons at night. All result in me not getting up to exercise. It's a conspiracy I tell you. I do not like it. Especially since I am the one who is sick right now.

5. And Jacob. He has a cough again. When he woke up from his nap today Rachel asked "Mom, why does Jacob have boogies on his chin?" Poor guy.

6. Whenever I start to feel bad about my post-baby body, I end up seeing some super overweight woman in gag-a-liciously tight clothes. It always makes me feel better. Do they not realize how they look? I mean, I just can't comprehend it. How can they not know how they look?

7. Speaking of, the other day I was out shopping and a girl in thong undies bent down right in front of me to pick up something she had dropped. Now there is a good way for quick weight lost. It definitely made me want to "purge" on sight. (gag)

8. What is it with moms talking on their cell phones all the time? It drives me crazy. When I go to the park I usually am the only one not gabbing away. Can't they take some time to play with their kids? I mean, is everything that important to be talking on the phone all the time?

9. Why is there never anything good on tv when you want to sit down and watch something? Good thing we can record shows, but wouldn't it be better if the good shows were on more often? Do we really need reruns of "Family Guy" and "King of the Hill"? C'mon.

10. I thought my Homer blog today was pretty witty. I was bummed no one commented. Marshall thought it was a hoot because it was soo true.

11. I love making up words, like "gag-a-liciously". Words are more fun when you add "a-licious" or "a-rama" to them.

12. Can you tell I am avoiding going to bed on my own?


Stephanie Black said...

I just can't comprehend why anyone would want to wear a skirt so short that bending over shows your undies--or what passes for underwear--to the world. It seems like that would just feel so . . . embarrassing.

I hope you guys get rid of your virus soon! Being sick is no fun.

Bonnie said...

I would say take a picture of yourself in your bathing suit, Sue, but I doubt you would be willing. So take a picture of the suit without you in it so we can see it.

I've never talked on my cell phone at the park (though I totally would) but you better believe I'll take a book or a crossword puzzle or something so it's not so boring.

Michelle said...

Sue, you are funny! I love reading your blog. I'm also glad you got a swim suit.

MyDonkeySix said...

I have no problem with taking a book or something. I even call Marshll now and then. It's the constant talking on the cell phone while their child pushes my child or runs wild that bugs me.