Sunday, April 26, 2009

Handy Sue

I have always thought it would be fun to sign up for a community education class held at the local college. There are so many things I would like to learn about, like basic auto-mechanics, home repair, plumbing, etc. I love to do little projects around the home and wish I had more knowledge in that area to help me do more "handy man" type things. Plus I think it's good for moms to have hobbies and keep educating themselves. However, there has never really been anything in the community education catalog that has ever stood out to me.

It looks like this time around my desires have been answered because I found the perfect class to take. It encompasses everything I've wanted to know a little bit more about. Here's the class description for Tools 101:

These classes will educate and empower women on how to maintain and beautify their homes, saving them time and money. Each class is hands on training. Women will learn about basic tool knowledge, plumbing, drywall, tiling, painting techniques, and also some auto maintenance. The topics are “Stepper Right Up,” “Caulk ‘Till You Drop”, “What’s Your Hang Up”, “Go With The Float”, “Brush Up On Style,” and “Start Your Engines.” Women. Tools. Knowledge. Pass It On!

That's what I'm talkin' about! Doesn't it just sound like a blast? I am so excited! And it's taught by a woman so maybe she won't make the rest of us feel like complete idiots! I signed up this weekend and will be starting the month long course in June. And my amazing husband, who always has encouraged me to take a class for fun and enrichment, is very excited for me, even if it means my being gone two nights a week. What an awesome guy! I hope the class teaches some great skills that I can use. Come June you better watch out for my hammer wielding, screw driver using, clog fixin' self!


Michelle said...

That is very cool! Congratulations! That will be a lot of fun for you.

Bonnie said...

How fun! For you, I mean. That doesn't interest me at all. But I say go for it!