Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Best Gift Ever

Yesterday was Labor Day and I had the treat of having my husband home for the day. I realized once again that flowers, chocolate, and poems, though nice, aren't where it's at. My husband gave me the wonderful gift of his time yesterday to let me know he loves and cares about me and I am so grateful for it. (If you're tired of hearing about how wondeful he is, too bad because I love him!)

Along with it being Labor Day, it was Monday. Monday means laundry day and cleaning bathroom day. Ugh. I hate cleaning the bathrooms and like to get it out of the way ASAP. Marshall asked me first thing in the morning what he could do to help. He did his usual chore of cleaning the tubs, since doing that in my pregnant state makes me want to puke. Then he helped with folding, carrying laundry upstairs, and putting it away. It was such a treat to have someone else carry the laundry upstairs, let alone all the rest. I don't care how much I exercise, this extra weight in my front makes me so winded walking up stairs and even worse when I lug up loads of laundry. Everything was done by 9:30 and we were bored. I mean, what does one really do on Labor Day? So we decided to go grocery shopping. Another bonus! Two adults to three kids, I like those odds! It was awesome. I got so much done for the week and I had help! (And don't worry, Marshall had plenty of time to relax and nap the rest of the day!)

It's times like those that I am reminded how much my husband loves and cares about me. He's a busy guy and is gone from home a lot. But when he helps out, he lets me know that he is aware of what is going on at home. He knows it's hard being pregnant, do all the chores, and tend the kids. He appreciates all I do and he shows it by what he does. To me that is the best gift ever and one that lasts longer than flowers.


Bonnie said...

Sue, I don't get tired of hearing how wonderful Marshall is. He is one of my favorite people in the whole world, and I'm really glad his wife recognizes how amazing he is. And you are amazing too.

MyDonkeySix said...

Thanks Bonnie!