Monday, September 15, 2008

Life is Good

Life is good. Years ago I never would have thought I'd be able to say that. Was it possible to reach a point in life and be completely happy? Who knew? But I am. Not to say that I don't have bad days. My garbage disposal is still broken and nothing we can do will fix it. Looks like we'll be buying a new one. Food prices are high and my family has an enormous appetite. Some days, like yesterday, I am ready to quit being a bishop's wife. He's gone from 6:30-4:30 most Sundays. Just think what it must be like for him! But none of that really matters. It may darken my mood at times, but it can't take away my happiness.

Why am I so happy and content with life? It's because I have the Gospel in my life AND I am doing what I am supposed to. It's so simple. Do what the Lord asks and you will be happy. No brainer. Yeah, it may be hard at times, but the good far outweighs the sacrifice. That happiness is a part of every aspect of my life. I have grown to have a greater appreciation and love for my children. My patience with them has increased. I love my husband more and see all he does for us. He is such a good man, I can't get over it. And I am more able to see the blessings in my life. I never would have thought our first house would be as nice as it is. I never dreamed my husband would have such a great job. I have food on the table and clothes for my family and I can still buy some fun things here and there. We're all healthy. And my kids are good kids. They play together well and have good manners, at least that is what people keep telling me. They all love to learn and have happy dispositions, for the most part. And a healthy baby number four is on the way. Life is good for us.

I am sure I could have such good things in my life without the Gospel, but I know I wouldn't appreciate and savor them as I do now. And I wouldn't have the peace and joy every day that comes from living the Gospel. It doesn't matter what happens, I have that strong foundation to keep me safe. Bad things happen and can knock me down for a day, week, or month, but I am always able to pop back up and see the good in life and regain peace. Those feelings in our crazy and chaotic world can only come from the Savior and living as He would have us.