Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Who would you be?

If you could be a superhero, who would you be and why?

As a child I loved Wonder Woman. I would watch the live action tv show and thought Linda Carter was awesome. She was beautiful and could kick some serious booty. I would go outback in our yard and spin around really fast in the hopes that I too would turn into the amazing Amazon. She has super strength, can leap tall buildings, and deflect bullets. And she is beautiful. In newer comics she can fly. Not bad. I even had a Wonder Woman comic book collection and a Wonder Woman bumper sticker for my car when I was a teenager. She was my idol.

I always thought Wolverine has cool powers. Okay, not the sharp claws because that is freaky, but his ability to regenerate quickly and heal himself. But then it would really stink to be immortal in a corrupt world. No thanks.

Flash is awesome because he's fast. I could get my chores and errands done for the day in super speed. But that still wouldn't help me from not wanting to sell my children on some days or make my washing machine and dryer go faster.

Elasta-Girl from "The Incredibles" has some sweet powers. I could use that stretchy body right now as I am going through pregnancy. How nice would that be? Or in the van while I am driving and the kids are fighting or drop a precious sippee cup on a long road trip. I could just reach back with my long arm and fix the problem. Yeah, that power would be nice.

But the more I think about it, there isn't one superhero I would want to be. There are some with some cool powers, but none that fit my line of work. How can stopping bullets help me every day? So I think it would be neat if there were some superheros for moms out there. Like what about Spazzstic Woman, the hero that never runs out of energy? She can clean bathrooms, do laundry, and care for kids all without breaking a sweat. I could use her now. Or what about Super Bargain Shopper, who can find every bargain in the area with her extreme mental powers? That would nice on the bank account. Patience the Calm, the hero who never raises her voice in anger at her children or husband, even if she's cleaned up fifty water spills a day and her husband is hours late at meetings? I could totally use some of that. Or the Master Chef, the woman who never gets tired of cooking meals daily? Not only does she cook, but she enjoys it and can cook and clean up dishes with super sonic speed. Or The Voice, the woman who can get anyone, even her children, to follow her commands with just the melodic sound of her hypnotizing voice? That's what I am talking about! Or what about Creativa, the hero who can think of numerous ways to entertain a toddler all without causing destruction to her home or her sanity? Oh, the list could go on and on.

Wonder Woman, the Flash, Wolverine, Superman, Batman, and all the rest are great superheros, but I am looking for something a little bit more. I would be a superhero that could help do my crazy trying job as a mom on a daily basis. Who cares if I can lift a building over my head? I'm talking about having energy to make it through the day. Now that is a super power.


Anonymous said...

Super hero? Heck, I'm currently a super villain--the Homework Harpy. And if Number 1 son doesn't get going he's going to miss breakfast. Yes, we are doing homework at 7.30 a.m.

MyDonkeySix said...

Aren't we all super villians to our children? Good luck with home work!

Anonymous said...

When you find this super hero all wrapped into one, please send it my way! I could use the help.