Monday, September 8, 2008


Today marks a big day for Mr. Jimmy, my two and a half year old boy. I'm not talking about being potty trained, I wish, or some other amazing feat in a toddler's life. Nope. I'm talking about deception. Today was the first day that Jimmy told me a whopper.

Now he's said things in the past that aren't true, like when I ask "Who hurt Rachel?" and he'll respond "Anna" when it was really him. But today he told me a very smooth lie with all sincerity.

You see, there is this evil time of day known as "nap time". It is a cruel form of torture instigated by parents so as to deprive the younger children in the family of any fun, if there was anything worthwhile going on during naps to miss. Jimmy has been protesting this punishment for some time, even though he still needs a nap. When I told him it was time for nap, Jimmy replied "No nap. Daddy said 'No nap today'". Really? I hadn't known. So I checked with Marshall to see if this was true, but mostly just to share this cute lie, and he informed me that he hadn't called Jimmy this morning and told him naps were illegal. Whew! Good thing we're not double dealing in our house.

I am very impressed with Jimmy's creativity in his lie and his delivery. It would have been very convincing, if I didn't know any better. After all, Jimmy has had two masters of deception to learn from these past two and a half years. We call them Anna and Rachel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Cute!!!!