Friday, September 12, 2008

No Cameras, Please

This morning I was reading our local newspaper and came across an interesting article that yet again shows the stupidity of some people. The article was about a man being arrested for sending naked pictures of his ex-girlfriend to her boss. Man in custody had these pictures and tried to use them as leverage to get his girlfriend back. (That'll work!) When that tactic failed, man became bitter and sent the pictures to his ex's boss, who reported him to the police.

D'uh people! I know how this whole nasty situation could have been avoided. Don't take nude pictures of yourself or another person. Makes sense, right? Who says those photos won't get out? I mean, c'mon. Is your memory that bad that you need nude pictures of someone to remember what they look like? I don't understand this whole concept of taking such pictures of your significant other. It's stupid. If my husband took pictures of me, which I never would let him and he has never asked to, I would have to kill him. Can you imagine the mass hysteria and suicides that would follow if those pictures got out? I don't think the world would recover from such a scare.

I have a brilliant idea. Let's use our cameras to capture nice things. Some people think the naked body is art. Honey, I haven't seen a body clothed that I would dare consider art, let alone one au natural. So use your brain and spare the rest of us by leaving the camera off.

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