Tuesday, September 16, 2008


This morning on my way to the doctor I was listening to NPR. The host was interviewing the president of NOW, the National Organization of Women, one of my least favorite groups. I once was a feminist, but then I learned my life would be happier if I let go of all the angst. It's tiring to be bitter about everything. The feminist movement started out with some awesome ideas and made some great changes, but now has gone completely insane.

The host was asking said president Kim Gandy about NOW's endorsement of Barack Obama. NOW doesn't usually officially affiliate itself with a candidate, so they say, but today they are announcing their endorsement of Obama for President. It's a big deal. Why? Because they are utterly opposed to John McCain and Sarah Palin. They don't like McCain for his stand on a number of policies. Fine. But NOW is really bugged by Palin. How can a woman who is running for Vice President, an excellent sign of the progression made for women's rights, be so morally opposed to abortion? This is the thorn in NOW's side. They hate Palin for her abortion policy. They say she is out of touch with most women in the US. Mind you, though, 42% of their members are in favor of Palin. Gandy stated that "42% is not a significant amount". Almost half isn't a big deal? Hmmm. I would disagree, but then again I am "out of touch". I am against abortion, though my views aren't are extreme as Palin's.

It's just another way of how the feminists keep contradicting themselves. "Yeah for a woman running for Vice President! Wait, we have to hate her because she doesn't support our views! She's bad and must be stopped at all costs! Boo on this woman!" So even though Sarah Palin is making leaps and bounds for women by running for Vice President, we must shun her because she isn't the next poster child for NOW? And since some members of NOW actually dare to like her, they must be "out of touch" and "insignificant"? Part of having freedom and liberation is being able to voice an opinion. You can have your's and I'll have mine, but do not jump down my throat if our opinions differ. Stop complaining and just be excited that a woman is running for Vice Prsident in the male dominated world of politics. It's a big step, don't miss it.

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