Saturday, September 20, 2008

New Low

While playing on the computer during the garbage disposal installation (which was a success and I love my new disposal!) I came across an article on MSN about pornography and airlines. I was very curious because I had never even imagined the two together.

Airlines offer Internet use while in air for a fee. Apparently some travelers have used said access to view inappropriate sites and there have been complaints. It's not a big problem, but the flight attendants would like to have the Internet filtered in air. The question arises whether this should be done since people do pay for the service. The article argues that someone can just as easily take a pornographic magazine or dvd on flight and view it while traveling.

My thought it is "ew!" I don't care if you are on a twenty hour flight or two hour flight, something is seriously wrong with you if you can't control your urges during that time period. You are in a public place where there will be people who see it. Kids fly airlines too. Do we have to start having "X-rated" sections on planes? Have they no self respect? Come on people. How disgusting are you? I think porn is nasty sick and wrong and makes light of something very sacred. To me, viewing porn on an airplane would be the same as if someone started being intimate in the seat next to me. There has to be limits. There just has to be. Are we so base of a society that we have to have sex available everywhere? No self control?

I am glad flight attendants and passengers are complaining. I would too if I was around someone who was viewing such material. I would have a hard time not smacking them down to the floor. It's sick, wrong, and nasty. Keep your foul little habits to yourself, please. So yes, I do hope some sort of filter is put in. I can dream, right?

1 comment:

annjeanette said...

Congrats on having a working garbage disposal! Can't wait to see you guys next week!