Often we can learn and gain much from the experiences of others. I have been in constant awe as I have watched a dear family in our ward prepare for the loss of their wife and mother to breast cancer. What makes this so tragic is that she is a younger mom, only in her 40's, who has much left to enjoy with her kids. Her battle with cancer has lasted four years and has been fought with great courage and faith, but it's obvious the Lord's will is for her to return home. What completely humbles and inspires me is the faith, patience, and understanding with which her family has accepted this conclusion. As their mother lingers between this world and the next, they press forward with great faith that this is part of the Lord's plan. I am sure they have their moments of sorrow, but watching them endure this most difficult trial with such trust in the Father's Plan of Salvation has made me take inventory of my own life.
I know I take the Gospel for granted at times. We all do. We get caught up in the daily grind that is life. Paying bills, work, packing lunches, getting the kids to school, doing laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, preparing Sunday lessons, mowing the yard, visiting teaching, doctor appointments, picking up toys, etc. Not to mention the things we want to do with our time and money. There are so many distractions, unfulfiulled desires, takers of our thoughts that we forget what really matters in life.
The Gospel isn't something tangible, like a precious golden egg protected by a glass case, proudly displayed in our home. Wouldn't it be nice if it was? You'd walk by it every day and be reminded of posessing the thing that is most valued in life. I'd see it and think, "Who cares if I didn't get the laundry done today? I have the Gospel in my life and that is what really matters." or "So what if I have an old junker car! I have the Gospel and that is precious above all." When I am having a bad day, thinking the world is out to get me, I'd see that valueable object in my home and remember that I do have everything. But we don't have that golden egg to remind us. We try to remind ourselves through reading our scriptures, prayer, Family Home Evening, going to church, hymns, and Gospel art in our home. We try, but still we often forget. At least I do.
I do my best to remember, but it is tender experiences like this with this sweet family in our ward that reminds me what I do have. As I watch them unite together and are strengthened by the ward during this trying time, I have the chance to pause from "life" and take a moment to look up and remember what I have. The Gospel, the most important thing I could ever acquire in this life. I know that I can be with my family forever. That life does not end with death. That Jesus Christ atoned for my sins and was resurrected so that I can receive eternal life and exhaltation. Does aynthing else beyond that really matter?