Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Call of the Bell

Do you have a favorite fast food place that you crave, even though you know it's just sick and wrong? A place that appeals to you when you have the munchies? A place that has a magical power over you, one where you can't help but go back for more? For me it's Taco Bell. I swear they must put some addictive chemical in their food that makes me want to go back. I live in the land of good Mexican food and yet when it's night and I am hungry, I want Taco Bell. This craving is especially pronounced when I am pregnant. Does my body need some ingredient only found in their food? I don't know, but I want it.

Last night as I was waiting for Marshall to come home from church, I was hoping I could convince him to get Taco Bell. I wanted it, but obviously couldn't leave the house because I had sleeping (yes amazing, but true) kids in the house. However, poor Marshall didn't get home until close to ten and I wasn't about to send him out after a long day.

Then again today I wanted Taco Bell. I'm telling you, they put drugs in their food or something. We were going to be good and make popcorn for a snack, but our 8 year- old-yard-sale-find popcorn popper has finally given up. It's good at burning popcorn, but not actually popping any that is worthy for consumption. So where is my husband now? At Taco Bell. We tried to be good, but the Bell was a callin'. Maybe Taco Bell spies stole into our house while I was grocery shopping and broke our popper so as to aid our fall. Or maybe they do put addictive drugs in their food that time releases a craving every few weeks. Who knows? All I know is that I am eatin' Taco Bell tonight and I am lovin' it. It's my nasty little habit. I guess I could have worse addictions.


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness that's all your nasty little habit is! :) I wish that would be my little addiction. Mine is just food, all food in general. Such is life and life is good.

P.S. I loved the pictures of the potty seat. Way to cute and great blackmail for when he's a teen!

annjeanette said...

I feel exactly the same way!