Monday, October 6, 2008


There were so many wonderful and inspiring talks given this weekend in General Conference. One that really hit home with me was Elder Holland's talk on angels. Usually we get lots of fire and brimstone from him. I love it when he speaks and tells us to repent and be better. There are no gray areas with him. So I was surprised when he spoke on a more tender subject, that of heavenly and earthly angels who bless and help us in our lives. It gave me a lot to ponder as I thought about how I have been blessed and protected in my life by the Lord and people I have come into contact with.

The first "angel" I thought of was my old Young Women's leader and then Seminary teacher, Sister Rolph. She went out of her way to make me feel welcomed at church. When I was gone on the weekends that we spent at my dad's house, she asked me the following week how the visit went and expressed her sadness at not having me at church when I was away. If I missed a seminary class, she would follow-up to see if I was okay. This meant the world to me, even if I didn't realize it then. At the time I loved knowing that someone at church was paying attention to what I was doing and looked out for me. I WAS important! I didn't have support at home when it came to church and going was left up to me. As an adult I appreciate Sister Rolph even more because she didn't let me fall through the cracks and be forgotten. On the days when I didn't want to go to church I knew she would notice and if I didn't go she would follow-up with me. I am so glad she kept tabs on me. She could have easily done the minimum with her callings and let me fall away, but she didn't. I have no doubt that because of her I am as active in the Gospel today as I am. I still keep in touch with this dear sister and will be forever grateful to her for her love and devotion to me and her calling.

Right now I have a sweet "angel" in my life in the form of sister Darci Pugh. During the two weeks between Marshall being called as bishop and actually sustained, I fretted over how I was going to handle the immense responsibility put on me. My main worry was sacrament meeting because of our young children. How was I going to handle them all? How would I keep them from running up to the stand to see Daddy? The Lord let me know it would be okay, but I couldn't see how that would possibly be. On the Sunday Marshall was put in as bishop, sweet Darci came up to me in Relief Society and announced to me that she would sit with me and help with the kids. There was no question, she was going to do it. She told me how she had cried when Marshall was sustained as bishop because she knew it was right. She then told me how she loved children and would be prepared the following Sunday with things to entertain the kids. I was blown away. Every Sunday since Darci has sat with us, even when I am sick she sits with the kids. We have come to love her so much, she's like our adopted grandmother. She has lifted a huge burden to me and answered my prayers. She is an angel.

The last "angel" that comes to mind is my husband. He has always been there to support and comfort me. Throughout our married life we've had challenges and trials and he has always been a rock of peace and calm that I can emulate. He helps to remind me to turn to the Lord at hard times and have faith. When I doubt myself he is always there to show me my worth and the good that I do. He has incredible faith in the Lord and in me. That has given me the strength to do all that is required of me. And he has always helped me at home and with the kids when his schedule allows it. He has stood by me and helped me fight to overcome the trials I have experienced as a result of my upbringing. He is an incredible person and having him in my life has refined me into the women I am now.

These examples are only a few of the numerous people who have touched my life. I am grateful for the "angels" I come in contact with. Their faith and example help me to become a better person.

1 comment:

Lempskies said...

You make me want to serve better both in my calling & in ways I'm not called (how wonderful of that sister to sit by you & bring things to entertain the kids!)
Your husband is amazing- you both are. We are thankful for your examples and we miss you. So, if you ever follow through on your plan to kidnap him- we suggest you hide here. We won't call the local prosecutor. Oh wait, you'll have kidnapped the local prosecutor!